Thursday, December 8, 2022

There's no limit for love

Outro final de semana começou:

Viva a liberdade de escolha. 

Viva a nossa capacidade imensa de amar. 

Viva todos os novos amigos que ainda vamos conquistar. 

Viva o respeito pelas opiniões e opções alheias. 

Viva todos os drinks e a comida caseira. 

Viva os dias de sol e de chuva. 

Viva a plena lua. 

Viva o amanhã que nos espera. 

Viva a nova era. 

Viva a nossa chance de salvação em Cristo. 

Viva toda emoção boa e verdadeira. 

Viva os amigos sinceros e positivos. 

Viva toda casa e todo abrigo. 

Viva a pessoa que convive com os demais, em paz! 

E viva tantos outros motivos 

de alegria e autoempreendimento 

Que ajudam a nos tornar

alguém melhor.


Canta, canta, canta

espanta os males de ontem

e levanta o pó do desânimo

para colher flores de um futuro

de luz

e esperança

Sê muito

muito mais claro

que o sorriso raro

Sacode a poeira

e dá a volta por cima

por baixo

ou pelo lado

faz normal

sacudir e voltar

vem, vem

vem ser sempre novo

despede de novo

o cansaço

renova sua esperança

num regaço

que é cachoeira

que é rio

e que é mar

faz a tua água jorrar

e renasce

todo momento 

e a cada dia

seu ser

novo você

espalha tua energia

que passa e transpassa

os males do mundo

multiplica teu assunto

para ser sempre tu outro

no amanhã sempre novo


que tua criança

vive a lembrança

de tudo

o que podes ser

sonha e faz merecer

tua colheita 

de amar

sonha e ensina dar


sonha e constrói

te ninho

onde quer que vás

a terra inteira é palco

da tua vida

do teu sonhar

sê feliz contigo

com o que tens

onde estás

e sonha

sonha sempre

ainda acordado

tu podes sonhar


A diferença entre uma pessoa de êxito e uma fracassada não está na quantidade de dificuldades que enfrentaram. Mas, o homem de êxito, ainda que tenha encontrado muitas dificuldades, rechaçou toda ideia de fracasso. Devemos transferir a ideia de fracasso à ideia êxito, de preocupação à ideia de calma, de distração mental à concentração, de inquietude à paz, e da paz mental à paz espiritual. E quando alcançar o estado de paz espiritual você terá cumprido o propósito da tua vida.

Paramahansa Yogananda


Um filho é a dádiva 

Que ensina 

Coisas novas 

Que não se aprenderia

De outra maneira 

Meu filho ensinou-me

A liberdade

Que devo ser quem sou

E fazer o que acredito

Meu filho trouxe 

À minha vida 


Ele precisa o tempo todo

De mim 

Sua presença ensinou-me

A não preocupar-me

Com supérfluo 

E que devo

Parar de querer coisas 

E ajuntar bens

Que a única coisa 

Que levarei


Quando morrer

São as boas atitudes

Que deixei aqui

Obrigada meu filho

Pelas primeiras lições 

Que me dá 

Espero que eu 

Nesta vida 


Tenha bons exemplos

Para dar-te 

Com este coração

Que já é teu.

04 de Outubro de 2022


A melhor preparação 

para educar um filho

é estar aberto

ao desconhecido.

30 de Setembro de 2022


Friday, January 21, 2022

Autobiography In Five Chapters

By Portia Nelson. From: Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

1) I walk down the street. 

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. 

I fall in. 

I am lost... I am hopeless. 

It isn't my fault. 

It takes forever to find a way out. 

2) I walk down the same street. 

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. 

I pretend I don't see it. 

I fall in again. 

I can't believe I'm in the same place. 

But it isn't my fault. 

It still takes a long time to get out. 

3) I walk down the same street. 

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. 

I see it is there. 

I still fall in... it's a habit. 

My eyes are open. 

I know where I am. 

It is my fault. 

I get out immediately. 

4) I walk down the same street. 

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. 

I walk around it. 

5) I walk down another street. 

This Year, Let Go Of The People Who Aren’t Ready To Love You

By Brianna Wiest

It is the hardest thing you will ever have to do, and it will also be the most important: stop giving your love to those who aren’t ready to love you.

Stop having hard conversations with people who don’t want to change. Stop showing up for people who are indifferent about your presence. Stop prioritizing people who make you an option. Stop loving people who aren’t ready to love you.

I know that your instinct is to do whatever you can to earn the good graces of everyone you can, but that is also the impulse that will rob you of your time, your energy and your sanity.

When you start showing up to your life wholly and completely, with joy and interest and commitment, not everyone is going to be ready to meet you there.

It doesn’t mean you need to change who you are. It means you need to stop loving people who aren’t ready to love you. 

If you’re left out, subtly insulted, mindlessly forgotten about or easily disregarded by the people you spend the most time with, you’re doing yourself an incredible disservice by continuing to offer your energy and life to them.

The truth is that you are not for everyone, and everyone is not for you. That’s what makes it so special when you do find the few people with whom you have a genuine friendship, love or relationship: you’ll know how precious it is because you’ve experienced what it isn’t.

But the longer you spend trying to force someone to love you when they aren’t capable, the longer you’re robbing yourself of that very connection. It is waiting for you. There are billions of people on this planet, and so many of them are going to meet you at your level, vibe where you are, connect with where you’re going.

… But the longer you stay small, tucked into the familiarity of the people who use you as a cushion, a back burner option, a therapist and a ploy for their emotional labor, the longer you keep yourself out of the community you crave.

Maybe if you stop showing up, you’ll be less liked.

Maybe you’ll be forgotten about altogether.

Maybe if you stop trying, the relationship will cease.

Maybe if you stop texting, your phone will stay dark for days and weeks.

Maybe if you stop loving someone, the love between you will dissolve.

That doesn’t mean you ruined a relationship. It means that the only thing sustaining a relationship was the energy you and you alone were putting into it.

That’s not love. That’s attachment.

The most precious, important thing that you have in your life is your energy. It is not your time that is limited, it is your energy. What you give it to each day is what you will create more and more of in your life. What you give your time to is what will define your existence. 

When you realize this, you’ll begin to understand why you’re so anxious when you spend your time with people who are wrong for you, and in jobs or places or cities that are wrong, too.

You’ll begin to realize that the foremost important thing you can do for your life and yourself and everyone you know is to protect your energy more fiercely than anything else.

Make your life a safe haven in which only people that can care and listen and connect are allowed.

You are not responsible for saving people.

You are not responsible for convincing them they want to be saved.

It is not your job to show up for people and give away your life to them, little by little, moment by moment, because you pity them, because you feel bad, because you “should,” because you’re obligated, because, at the root of it all, you’re afraid to not be liked back.

It is your job to realize that you are the master of your fate, and that you are accepting the love you think you’re worthy of.

Decide you’re deserving of real friendship, true commitment and complete love with people who are healthy and thriving.

Then wait in the darkness, just for a little bit…

… And watch how quickly everything begins to change.

Monday, December 27, 2021

tiny thoughts

Life is composed of choices.

I choose to be happy! 



Every situation I experienced in my life: 

I deserved it!

To improve myself, to evolve.


The present is a gift 🎁 


Peace of mind

For a meaningful life


Time passes, 

priority changes 

but love remains the same.


No rush is happiness🧡 


Peace of mind is happiness 🙏🏼💕


The body is clean,

the mind is clear,

the heart is pure. 

Life manifest itself,

and it is wonderful.


No values, 

no responsibilities, 

no commitments.

Others are only 

a way to fulfill your needs

and it’s never enough.


We go faster by ourselves 

But we go further accompanied.


To trust 

is the first step 

to succeed.


There is no medicine 

for the narrow view.


Misery is synonym of existence 

for people that prefers death instead of life.


We have hierarchy, 



and responsibilities. 

It builds our values. 

And we respect it all. 


The only person you can be honest to: 

it’s yourself.


For every action, 

there is an equal and opposite reaction. 

Isaac Newton 


Life is not only about rights, 

it’s mainly about responsibilities. 


Be yourself:


we have the opportunity 

to became a better person.


To help other is a way of controlling: 

you need me. 

The helpful person is possessive

and manipulative. 

And you say thanks to it.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

it is part of life

 Some people 

make themselves important 

and unimportant 

with the same speed.

There's no limit for love

Outro final de semana começou: Viva a liberdade de escolha.  Viva a nossa capacidade imensa de amar.  Viva todos os novos amigos que ainda v...